My Enchanted Acres

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SG My-Enchanted-Acres RNBOSkitles 8*M
DOB: February 2, 2014
DNA Typed & Parentage Verified

~ 2015 ADGA Natls Reserve Junior Champion ~

February 2, 2014 ~ July 21, 2024

2 Year Old 1st Freshener

2-06 VG88 VEVV
1-04 YS VEcEc EC
06 YS EcEcEc EC

Sire: SGCH +*B Engylskye Countof Monte Cristo "Elite"
SS: SG Kastdemur's Monte Carlo
SD: SG Wingwood Farm Tempo Aurora 3*M

Dam: GCH My-Enchanted-Acres Molly Brown 7*M
DS: SGCH +*B Copper Hill Breakaway Sonset
DD: SGCH My-Enchanted-Acres #1 Arianna 6*M

Skitles was our first Monte Cristo daughter to hit the ground and she never stopped running. She was a beautiful kid and has matured this year as a beautiful first freshening 2 year old. To be honored as Reserve Junior Nubian at the 2015 National show, you are almost afraid to see what will happen. But she freshened with a beautifully attached mammary that is very similar in shape, height and width as her dam Molly. We feel that time will only make this stunning doe even more so.

Our total heartbreak is not being able to get our beautiful Skitles to be able to carry her pregnancies to term. We will not give up till we have an answer. Whenever we either get her to carry to term or do embryo transfer, we will not be accepting any reservations on this doe.

We said goodbye to our Beloved Skitles.  There will never be the right words to describe this doe.  Her career was short, 2015 National Reserve Jr. Champion, only one live kidding and only one milking show season, but, she did it in a big way.  To produce a son of CandyMan's caliber, well, it took a Special Doe to do this.  Her presence is going to be sorely missed.  I will miss her running to the gate for her animal cookies.  Though lately, she was laying down waiting.  You were and always will be that Special Girl that I was so honored to be owned by.  Rest in Peace my girl.  Your pain is over.  Run Free with your Family.

PTI 22 -71

1-11 308 2130 (5.4)114F (4.4)94P complete

1x 1st, 1x 2nd 2 year old NWODGA
1x 2nd, 3rd, 4th 2 year old NWABGC
1x 1st, 1x Reserve Champion Clark Co Fair
1x 2nd SWW Fair
1st w/1st Udder Monroe Fair
Reserve Junior Champion 2015 ADGA National Show
3x 1st
3x 1st
2x Junior Champion
1x Best Jr Doe in Show

2015 ADGA National Show Reserve Junior Champion

GCH My-Enchanted-Acres Molly Brown 7*M

SGCH +*B Engylskye Countof Monte Cristo "Elite"
(Photo courtesy of Judy Bevaart of
Blossom Thyme Dairy Goats)